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Book published in January 1964: 

Camford Observed:

An Investigation of the Ancient Universities in the Modern World

This book was extremely important book in the creation of University of California, Santa Cruz.


Camford Observed Book

Reviews in all the major British newspapers:

  PDF file  Review by Hugh Trevor-Roper,  19 Jan 1964


  PDF file  Review by Anthony Powell, 17 Jan 1964


  PDF file  Review by H. C. Dent, 16 Jan 1964


  PDF file  Review by Michael Young, 16 Jan 1964


  PDF file  Review (no byline), 16 Jan 1964 


  PDF file  Review by Richard Crossman, 26 Jan 1964


  PDF file  Book of the Month, Advertisements in 1964



From the main biography page of this site:


Jasper: "Then, with John Ziman, I wrote Camford Observed, a funny book that describes Oxford and Cambridge to Americans and other foreigners who might have trouble understanding its customs.  It caused quite a stir, and people like Anthony Powell" (writer 1905-2000) "and Hugh Trevor-Roper" (historian 1914-2003) "reviewed it.  It was the busiest year of my life – Jean's first show and our first son." From Anthony Powell's review in the Telegraph: "Sometimes very funny indeed, and knowledgeable, without being in the least esoteric." From Hugh Trevor-Roper's review in the Sunday Times: "Full of sound judgments and happy aphorisms. Beautifully written." H.C. Dent's review in the Financial Times: "Will infuriate, exasperate, excite and delight."  The Review in The Times (no byline): "So good. In places deliciously funny."  Michael Young's review in The Guardian:  "A valuable guide to the two universities.  Well informed, well argued, and irritating."




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